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  • Writer's pictureThe Anonymous Guru

Daily Stand-up Meeting - SCRUM Ceremonies and Backlog Grooming (Part-03)

Daily Stand-up Meeting

Daily stand-up meeting is 15 minutes, which makes the entire scrum team more productive and efficient.

The meeting will be done at the start of the working day and usually it takes in-front of the task board.

All team members should attend and they should stand during the meeting.

Three questions will be answered by each and every individual;

1. What did you do yesterday?

2. What will you do today?

3. Are there any blockers preventing you to move forward?

After giving an update to above three questions, each person come forward and update the task board.

If there is a problem which has to be discussed further, this will be discussed after the daily scrum and only the required stakeholders will participate for that.

Addition to the above mentioned three questions, anticipated RISK will be discussed during the daily stand-up in a nutshell.

Eventually, based on each team members input (burned hours) Scrum Master update the burn-down chart and see the progress of the project.

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